Convert from mac to pc
Convert from mac to pc

It's real fun when you have thousands of text scripts that have to be ported across OSes and have to figure out what program can best be used to batch convert them all. This is probably all confusing to non-UNIX geeks, but this is something I've had to deal with for the entire 20+ years I've been dealing with text between DOS and UNIX. The vi command line way I deal with this is:Īnd they will be be converted to 'cr' (carriage return, not carriage return-linefeed) and when you save the file it'll be all well in the UNIX world. Over on the Mac side, TextEdit generally seems to handle text files properly regardless of where they are created, but vi will show those 'crlf' characters as a ^M, which is not a big deal, but annoying.

convert from mac to pc

#Convert from mac to pc mac os x

Oddly enough, if you edit a text file created by Mac OS X with the "DOS" command line 'edit' command under Windows and just save it, it'll convert the newlines to what Windows expects with the rest of the Windows text editors. Although with the new Mac OS PC applications can be used with. You cant easily convert a Windows 7 PC to run Mac OS, because Apple locks down hardware compatibility to an extreme. Youll have to buy a Mac and transfer your important files to it using a USB hard drive.

convert from mac to pc convert from mac to pc

You'll note that if you use vi on a text file created by a Windows notepad, for example, will show ^M characters at each newline, while text files created by Mac OS X will look all goofy using windows notepad. If I have Windows 7, how do I convert it to Mac OS Community Answer. This is also why I use command line utilities for both OS's, and this is something that goes back to the early days of all the UNIX's and the DOS world.

Convert from mac to pc